
Attack surface management

View your network and supply chain from a hacker's perspective

A growing number of security incidents start from digital assets of companies - traditional network devices and servers, but also cloud services or organisational intelligence - that can be found on the Internet. Hackers make use of these elements in the digital footprint of your company and supply chain for their attacks, making firewalls and anti-virus systems less effective. 

With the rise of digital supply chains, cloud infrastructure and APIs, your digital ecosystem expands, and your attack surface grows along with it, making it increasingly difficult to manage your security posture.


"The average cost of a security breach was $4,45M in 2023"

IBM Cost of a data breach report 2023

Read the full report

Attack surface management

Automated security scans to complement subjective self-assessments

Get an overview of all your organization's external visible digital "assets," including your supply chain, that pose security risks (e.g., servers, domains, IP addresses, websites, email addresses, cloud storage, software, etc.).  This service not only identifies IT systems or cloud services and their vulnerabilities, but also helps reveal unintentionally shared data, and expose impersonation websites used for Phishing.


Unlike other ASM platforms on the market, Ceeyu combines both passive and active scanning techniques, and offers you access to all scanned data, which can be used as input for IT inventory management and third-party security risk management (TPsRM).

Visualize security risks

Attack surface management

Risk identification, and management

Ceeyu provides a detailed overview of the cybersecurity risks of the elements in your digital footprint and those in your supply chain that can be exploited by hackers.   Our easy-to-understand security ratings offer you insight into the risks you need to address first.  This allows you to quickly take the right action to mitigate risks internally and within your ecosystem.


A clear risk management dashboard provides the ability to manage risks (Accept, False Positive, Remediated).  Archive of historical risks remains accessible with no end date.


total domains scanned

Attack surface management

Share risks identified with your suppliers

Ceeyu not only enables you to reveal security risks in the attack surface of your supply chain.  You can share security risk ratings with your critical suppliers, use this information as input in questionnaire-based audits and interact with the concerned suppliers to address and resolve the cyber security risks. 

You can also share questionnaire-based assessment conclusions and ratings with your suppliers, so your suppliers learn about your requirements, and make improvements. 


Prioritize security risks

Ceeyu helps you detect and manage your attack surface, including your supply chain. By visualizing and analysing digital footprints, you clearly see the vulnerabilities and most urgent actions.

Ceeyu provides you control over your online and offline supply chain by continuously monitoring attack surfaces and identifying security risks.